

92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


We will work with you to provide high quality care and support.

How we can support people

We are becoming the first choice of service provider for people with a disability. We are creative and responsive to the needs and aspirations of people and can assist them to become active and valued in their community.

Empower people with a disability

We provide opportunities of choice.

We provide a supportive and inclusive environment for all our participants.

What We Believe

Our Mission is to Help People

Our Mission

Our Values

To respect and empower people to be the best version of themselves.

Assist individuals to coordinate their NDIS plans to achieve their personal goals.

To develop the services which enhance the quality of life and individual outcomes.

Empower people to take ownership of their lives.

We strive to have a world where everyone is treated and an individual with respect.

Allowing clients with different levels of needs to be the owners of their care and life

Our focus is on the individual care of the individual, so programs are designed with their interests, needs and care.

Our values include 6 C’s of person-centred care- compassion, Care, Courage, Commitment, Competence, Communication

Our Mission

Every Person – A life of fullness.

We envision a world where people hold the power to create opportunities for themselves and others.

We Empower People with Disability

We understand the challenges facing people with a disability every day. We want to show that, with help and support, participants can achieve their goals.

Independent life and career

We assist people to live independently and build their careers by providing the correct individualised programs.

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Our Values

Inclusive Community

To remove the barriers that prevent people from fully participating in the community.


We respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality.


We strive for excellence through continuous improvement.


We strive to create and respond to the innovative practices that will enable our people to flourish.

Honesty & Integrity

We uphold honesty and integrity in all that we do, in all that we say and in all that we create.


We show people they are important to us and the community by what we do and say.


we value and recognise the contribution of people with disabilities within organisations and communities.


We understand what others are going through their life and are here to provide support.

Feel Free To Reach Out To Us. We’re Always Here For You!


Services We Offer

Assist Personal activities / Daily Task

These support items provide a participant with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible.

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

We offer Supported Independent Living (SIL) services in a participant's home or at our facilities. We deliver specialized one-on-one support to help you get ready for the day, look and feel best and remain independent.

Community nursing care

These Disability-Related Health Supports provide nursing care to respond to the disability- related health needs of a participant where that care is not the usual responsibility of the health system.